Category: Uncategorized
There might be a few of those showing up on my facebook page/ in the shop soon.
I always had a fascination for hot air balloons and it is one of my dreams to go on a hot air balloon ride 🙂
I just love these giant, colourful bubbles floating in the air, so peacefully. It is not about speed and getting from point A to point B as fast as possible, it is about soaking in the moment, feeling the aliveness and connection between you and the world/ nature and realizing the peace and stillness that surrounds us.
Well, this all sounds a bit grand…
I just love hot air balloons, they make me happy. And since dolls make me happy as well, dolls AND balloons are just perfect.
I have been thinking about a way to make them in a way that they can be send around the world as affordable as possible and thanks to a lot of creative input from friends here on the page and in the Sami group as well as me remembering some handy tips from other craft projects… I cut out the prototype for a hopefully wonderful hot air balloon for the dolls today and will sew it up tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works out the way I imagined or even better 🙂
Thank you!
You know, I love my job.
I have all these wonderful customers I am blessed to make special dollies for. I love the input and inspirations I get from these lovely people, some of them I can call friends now, and I get to hold their dolls for a while and adore them before they travel all over the world into their new homes.
I love my job.
Thank you for supporting me and therefore allowing me to do what I do.
Theresa xx
I had this idea in my head for quite some time now.
I wanted to make the balloon squishy, so kids can’t hurt themselves or break it while playing with it, and at the same time it should have the shape of a balloon.
It is not quite as glorious as I imagined, but cute enough for us 🙂
Zoe and lil pink star baby are having fun
Liyana had a makeover and has new hair now.
I love curly blonde hair 🙂
She is waiting in the shop to be adopted.

Today, I added some new PDF pattern tutorials to my Etsy shop.
I always like playing with new pattern ideas, making new patterns and it is so much fun to make new dresses for your (kid’s) special dolls. The tutorials are easy to understand and great for beginners as well.
We are slowly settling in here on the island and I hope to have some pictures for you of new dolls soon.
Tonight is head rolling night 🙂
Theresa xx