I haven’t been making many dolls this past year as there was so much going on in our lives with changes on both the inside and outside.
I also had a little confidence crisis and thought no one would want any dolls from me anymore, as I changed the materials I use and stopped using wool and any materials that come from animals.
I thought if I just stop with Sami Dolls, it wouldn’t make too much of a difference in an online doll market that is flooded with incredibly talented, kind-hearted and beautiful doll makers.
I also went through some emotional lows and moments of hopelessness that often made it impossible to find the joy to create.
But every time I sat down and surrounded myself with my fabrics, my doll needles, threads and yarns and made another little dolly ‘person’, I was so happy. It just makes me happy. And I realized I can’t stop. I need to do this for myself, for my own happiness, even if I end up with a house full of dolls all to myself. I need to be creative and create and I want to pass this joy on to as many people as possible. That’s why I will keep making dolls as long as I can and that’s why I will share my patterns (and hopefully come up with new and exciting projects).
I want to thank every one of you who sent me a message, and everyone who still likes and responds to my posts, even though I have neglected you guys and my page for quite some time. I am still here and I hope to breathe some more life and joy into this page, my little crafty corner on the interwebz smile emoticon
Thank you for having me.
Theresa xx